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Technological innovation drives Ningxia wine industry to upgrade
收入:o-eau.com  2024-09-23 17:29 小編:
On the mobile phone, the soil temperature, humidity and irrigation data of the vineyard are clear at a glance; The switch of drip irrigation can realize automatic precision irrigation with one key. Pest control equipment can not only automatically capture pests, but also collect pest information for researchers to study and use...The degree of refinement, automation and mechanization of Ningxia wine industry continues to improve. In recent years, Ningxia has cooperated with Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Agricultural University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University and other universities and institutes to carry out scientific and technological research and achievement promotion in view of technical bottlenecks in the development of the wine industry, and implemented more than 20 major achievement transformation projects. In the list of science and Technology Progress awards of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region announced not long ago, there are 1 first prize and 4 second prizes related to the wine industry.At Xige Winery in Wuzhong, Ningxia, 215 fermenters require only 10 people to manage. "With a mobile phone, winemakers can remotely monitor the condition of each fermenter and control the fermenter temperature in real time." Winery assistant winemaker Wang Fei introduced.Vineyard iot technology, blended wine substance and sensory prediction system, oak alternative materials based on bionic principles... Technological innovation has mounted an engine for the development of Ningxia wine industry.At present, Ningxia has established a wine technical standard system, formulated 41 technical standards, integrated and promoted a number of key technologies such as shallow ditch clearing, oblique shelving, and deep fertilization, and cultivated 66 wine grape hybrid groups and screened 3 superior lines.

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