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Ningxia wine industry contributes to the overall revitalization of rural areas
來源地:o-eau.com  2024-08-19 15:09 原作者:
"I work in the vineyard eight months a year and earn more than 6,000 yuan a month." Li Xiangqin, who works at a winery in Hongsipu district of Wuzhong City, Ningxia, is operating the park's irrigation facilities. "In the nearby villages, almost every family's job is related to the wine industry."From growing, picking, brewing, transporting and selling, the wine industry supports more than 130,000 jobs a year for local rural residents."There is a lot of work in the winery, usually from February to the end of the year, and our income is very stable." In Zhenbeibao Town, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, near Zhihui Yuan Stone winery, Liu Hui, a villager from Delin Village, and his wife work as cleaners in the winery, each earning 4,000 yuan a month; His son and daughter-in-law work in the winery as transportation workers, each earning 6,000 yuan a month.Accurately docking with market demand, Ningxia has also developed wine sightseeing experience factories, wine chateaux boutique homestay hotels and other ancillary industries to help the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.There are 19 wineries distributed in Haoyuan Village, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, with nearly 18,000 mu of wine grape planting base. "Last year, per capita disposable income in our village exceeded 20,000 yuan, and most of the income came from wine-related industries." Cao Dongxu, secretary of the Party branch of Hao Yuan Village, said that Hao Yuan village is an immigrant village, just moved here was a piece of sand land, and now build a winery, not only improve the ecological environment, but also promote the employment of villagers. The village has developed new forms of leisure vacation, such as wine tasting, farming experience, and characteristic homestays, with an annual tourism income of more than 5 million yuan.At present, the comprehensive output value of Ningxia's wine industry has exceeded 30 billion yuan, bringing about 900 million yuan of income to local farmers every year.

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